Friday, July 17, 2009

From the LK Submission Form

Just sending you a little update from Ontario, Canada on the citizens efforts to address and correct corruption within the child protection industry and legal system.

The private corporations have desperately been trying to silence the growing dissent and activism rapidly organizing in the province. Common threats of legal action or false promises to return stolen children are the prefered method of the mafia style system. The child trafficing corporations are now using massive amounts of tax payer money slotted for children to run public relations ads and hire lawyers to sue the citizens exposing them. The child protection industry, legal system, and ministry, profit from this racket and work closely together in thier own best interest. The best interest of the child, like it so often does, takes a back seat to the real economic agenda hiding under the carefully chosen, feel good slogan.

The truth must be hidden and those speaking out must be silenced in the best interest of the corporations and individuals profitting from the system.

Do you think normal people can go into someones home, snatch children, and then falisfy court documents to gain custody of children for funding? No... it's takes really sick people to do that.

Ringrose Sues Carter and McQuaid
July 11, 2009

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