Monday, July 06, 2009

Data: Monterey County keeps more families together

Data: Monterey County keeps more families together

"No matter how neglectful or abusive a parent is, in most cases, that parent is the best person to raise the child," said Christine Lerable, program manager for Monterey County's family and children's services. "There is bonding and attachment there."

1 comment:

  1. That is a Lie! Michelle O'Brien, Jackie Staley, Heather Molitor, Erline Mc Claire, and their peasly service Aide David have taken my 3month old baby boy away from his family who loves and misses him. They have literally made my baby sick and gone out of their way to make it hard for even his own brother and sister to visit him. They have knowingly lied in their report and done so many other things that are so wrong.
