Friday, July 17, 2009

Dad Sues Florida DCF for Wrongfully Taking his

Dad Sues Florida DCF for Wrongfully Taking his

William Dunn, 44, of Lakeland, Florida is suing that state's Department of Children and Families, claiming that it failed to properly investigate an allegation of child sexual abuse against him. Read about it here (The Ledger, 7/13/09). Florida DCF separated Dunn from his daughter for almost a year before determining that no abuse had occurred. Apparently the child had told the agency that her father had sexually abused her and then recanted the charge at the final hearing into the matter.


  1. I filed a law suite against Pinellas County CPI and lost round 1 because I did not allow a government entity 6 months to investigate. I start round 2 next week Pro-Se any suggestions?. The more times we lose the more powerfull they get.

    1. Who was your lawyer? I need one asap BC my son was taken from me for alleged child neglect, courts dropped the charge and now he's being moved out of state away from me.

    2. If you need assistance in getting your child returned to your custody please email me at

    3. Is this for 2019

  2. I have been trying to sue Pinellas county DCF for falsely taking my children immediatly after my wife of 22 years died. I am having to do it Pro-Se. I already lost round 1 because I did not allow 6 months for a gov. entity to investigate. I start round 2 next week any advice?


  3. Anonymous12:32 AM


  4. UNBELIEVABLE,same thing happen to me 3 days ago.they wrongfully took my two children.they did not even investagate me the father of my two children who I have custody of since 2007.and I have all the proof of it.If possible have some ?s,need to see if someone knows the name of a attorney in florida who will file this kind of suit,if any of yall know of one please let me know...

  5. Get together and file class action against them. The only way these crooked cops (CPS are employees of PCSO) will ever change is by using the law, their laws, against them.

    I speak with an attorney today about a suite. I would love for others to come forward and participate in a series of class action suites against the sheriffs departments, as well as against the privately owned "service providers" that partner with CPS; ie Directions for Mental Health, inc.

    1. MY Wife and I would we are currently going through the same thing with our child under false accusations of domestic violence.Feel free to contact me 813 713 2614 Shawn

    2. Same thang happened to me and my boyfriend my gma fabricated allegations now my babies are in Foster care. I'll file a sue with y'all call me 8137707655 my name's nikita

    3. shawn here again yes yes we want to sue our child recentky had to get stitches because of the foster people he is with contact me we have done everything we were told to do in our case plan and they are still only giving us 3 hours a week.My alwyer whom i am paying really isn't doing jack.CALL ME 813-713-2614!

    4. I am looking to sue DCF due to the fact that my child was sexually assaulted and DCF tried to claim that I had mental issues after failing to fully investigate the matter. I have been through a tpr trial as well as the first appeal process where I am being turned into a suspect instead of a concerned parent looking for the legal justice being deprived within my parental rights. The courts have proclaimed that while participating in a case plan I was irrespective to services to use against me with the tpr however I have been thorough with cooperating and the assigned case worker has badgered me, harassed me, made false accusation of my behavior, as well as underreported facts to the court to terminate my rights. DCF will ignore a parents rights while fighting to prove the obstacles I have been put through. My child and I have a great bond and soon he will be placed for adoption without having the appropriate justice we both deserve.I am willing to participate in as many lawsuits against DCF to receive the proper justice that as a parent I deserve. Please contact me at 727-906-6007 K.Harrison

    5. Anonymous7:45 PM

      yes please contact me as well. Im in a middle of a nightmare myself

    6. I'm with you the same thing is happening to me with my three grandchildren with Pinellas County Child Protective 727-657-8934 Michelle I jump through hoops to these people for two years to keep these children and they've done nothing but keep coming back coming back so they had no safety concerns but in the safety plan they came and took them the day after one's birthday for no good reason they have tried 3 different times to take them STI was non-compliant in their safety plan which I was it couldn't prove to me where I wasn't and it's all because of allegations from my neighbor who is crazy and keeps calling them I think something should be done to her and them I don't think they should be able to just come take your children when you're working with them and they are in your home three times a week for four hours at a time something needs done they're the ones that should be charged with child abuse ripping these four children out of a home and separating them and they're not letting us see them for two weeks because they can't get their visitation in order it's all bulshit liars they turn everything around record everything that's what I do you can help with an attorney that you know file civil suit class-action I'm with you

  6. Im not sure what to do or where to start all i know is i have solid facts of evidence and need some legal help.My aunt has guardianship of my children due to me and my ex husband getting backer acted at the same time in 2009. Its a funny story actually my mother who at the time thought i shouldnt be going through a divorce called the cops and said we were both going to kill ourselves. i got pulled over and the next thing i knew i was being informed i was suicidal. I must say it only gets more interesting from there. ..Im in marion county florida my story is too long to post on here and could possibly hurt your head just reading it.. If anyone Knows a good lawyer who is not issued by the state that would be great! HELP !

    1. Oh my goodness...Im in Gainesville.. I lost mine also in him back in 2014..due to drinking at the uf homecoming parade..some lady tried to grab my kid while i was trying to get him to leave the parade. She thought i was dragging him..i got 2 felonies went to jail..dcf sent 6 cops to get my kid from my bf at the time. I even paid 8k for a lawyer...they put me through the mud..bad.. I passed all psych evals..everything..i want to take a stand..i believe we are the victims and there should be advocates for us when this happens..hope ur ok :)

  7. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I would like to sue DCF/CPS.. They wrongfully accused me of sexual abusing my stepdaughter even though she continually tells them I have never touched her they insist I am "grooming" her, with no supportive evidence they took her out of our home and gave her to her birth-dad (my wife's ex) who had previously abused her as an infant and is an illegal! They insist that my wife leave me, but our daughter insists that nothing has happened to police, dcf and cps. They have never even questioned me! It has been two months now and we are awaiting the hearing to oppose the charges of abuse against me and neglect of my wife for allowing it to happen...

  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Is it true DCF get bonuses from removals? They removed my children reason was from medical neglect, educational neglect, emotional neglect, carpal punishment all listed by the Judge unfounded. Case plan is stable housing not with your mom and stable income? Then they can come home. I was recently employed and should have stable housing by the first of the month. A few days ago the new born was taking, the court order stated the reason was dcf said the baby was born in the house to avoid them. Sounds like a light cause to get a court order but it's also a lie. Now days later they want to I
    Do an investigation , for what they said whAt they wanted to say to have another child removed. Can I sue these people please help I need advice

  9. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Is it true DCF get bonuses from removals? They removed my children reason was from medical neglect, educational neglect, emotional neglect, carpal punishment all listed by the Judge unfounded. Case plan is stable housing not with your mom and stable income? Then they can come home. I was recently employed and should have stable housing by the first of the month. A few days ago the new born was taking, the court order stated the reason was dcf said the baby was born in the house to avoid them. Sounds like a good cause to get a court order but it's also a lie. Now days later they want to
    Do an investigation , for what they said whAt they wanted to say to have another child removed. Can I sue these people please help I need advice

  10. Yes they get bonuses & I've also been wrongfully accused of child neglect & they removed my children & child neglect charge was dropped due to no evidence & I'm looking to sue also

    1. They are nasty. What city you live in

  11. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Barry Rigby 407 697 0274...... Best attorney

  12. My daughter was wrongfully taken by a DCF worker, here in Pinellas County, back in October of 2012-- She first said she wasn't taking my daughter, gave me a list of "tasks" I had to complete and these were her stipulations, for me to have my daughter returned to me. I completed of the tasks she ordered of me, I phoned her several times, to INFORM her of this (she repeatedly rejected my calls, nor returned them) and once I finally DID get her on the phone she got her suprvisor on the phone, with us and she denied ever saying ANY of the things she really said and told me that she "couldn't help me with (my) request"! The case was opened in October, closed in November (a fact of which I was never informed), then 4 months later, after calling my daughter's father (a registered, pedophile who had DESERTED my daughter, mind you) on the day she "half-heartedly investigated me", to pick my daughter up, from her babysitter's house, a Pinellas County judge granted him custody of my daughter and (SOME how) this DCF worker was a "witness" for my husband, on the stand and she hadn't been involved, in MONTHS--- now, I'm facing jail time, for "non-compliance with child support enforcement", I'm being held in "contempt" even though I showed the hearing officer my medical records, showing him that I have CHF, Diabetes, Epilepsy and Fibromyalgia. I have NO MONEY for an attorney, Pro Bono attorneys that I've spoken with, say they won't handle the case, because it's been "so many YEARS, now" (I began fighting this, the day it BEGAN, but have never been able to afford more than to just have a consultation with a couple of attorneys) or they simply say they don't handle child custody or family law cases. Please, my daughter was 9 when she was "legally kidnapped" and now she's almost 13 and no one will help me... If anyone has ANY advice, it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thanks

  13. My daughter was wrongfully taken by a DCF worker, here in Pinellas County, back in October of 2012-- She first said she wasn't taking my daughter, gave me a list of "tasks" I had to complete and these were her stipulations, for me to have my daughter returned to me. I completed of the tasks she ordered of me, I phoned her several times, to INFORM her of this (she repeatedly rejected my calls, nor returned them) and once I finally DID get her on the phone she got her suprvisor on the phone, with us and she denied ever saying ANY of the things she really said and told me that she "couldn't help me with (my) request"! The case was opened in October, closed in November (a fact of which I was never informed), then 4 months later, after calling my daughter's father (a registered, pedophile who had DESERTED my daughter, mind you) on the day she "half-heartedly investigated me", to pick my daughter up, from her babysitter's house, a Pinellas County judge granted him custody of my daughter and (SOME how) this DCF worker was a "witness" for my husband, on the stand and she hadn't been involved, in MONTHS--- now, I'm facing jail time, for "non-compliance with child support enforcement", I'm being held in "contempt" even though I showed the hearing officer my medical records, showing him that I have CHF, Diabetes, Epilepsy and Fibromyalgia. I have NO MONEY for an attorney, Pro Bono attorneys that I've spoken with, say they won't handle the case, because it's been "so many YEARS, now" (I began fighting this, the day it BEGAN, but have never been able to afford more than to just have a consultation with a couple of attorneys) or they simply say they don't handle child custody or family law cases. Please, my daughter was 9 when she was "legally kidnapped" and now she's almost 13 and no one will help me... If anyone has ANY advice, it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thanks

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I believe that violence is the only answer and the only thing that they will understand so turn your guns toward them every time the CPS worker dies the Lord smiles

  14. I just fought a case in Flagler County we lost custody for 6 months in false charges made by a angry ex employer that we quit working for because he was sexually harassing my husband he than says he is going to take our kids for 4 months and 1 day they come while my mother was watching them and just took them. 11 days not telling us where they are or letting us even call them and we were able to get them out in my mother's care back in my home. Me and my husband chose to sleep in our car and be homeless for 6 months so they could be home with my mother we were told by every one that nobody beats dcf cases and we can be right and not have our kids or just admit to something we did not do and get them back. Well we were 28th our kids everyday any ways and is rather admit to robbing a bank if I didn't do it than harming my kids I just cannot say that I hurt the thing I love the most 6 months with out our parental rights and 3 days before trial they offer to drop everything if me the mother submits to a pyscological exam on the basis that at the shelter hearing I was crying my eyes out and was inconsolable. I have almost died and looking my kids hurt worse than that. No not only did I say no I told them I was OFFENDED how dare you say my reaction to you taking my 3 kids 5 2 and only 6 months was inappropriate it's nature even a mama dog will bite you if you mess with her babies even animals in the wild yet a human cannot be upset when you take their babies.TODAY WAS TRIAL they voluntarily dismissed it. And I want to sue! They slandered us by telling our neighbors the allegations they went to my husband's ex wife who has nothing to do with any thing. That is just the tip of it. If anyone knows lawyers let me know I'll join Class Action lawsuits and please know this. If you did nothing wrong DONT let them win. You can win if you fight them don't take their case plans take it to trial YOU HAVE RIGHTS.Its just sad hearsay is legally enough to loose custody of I can help contact me.

    1. My wife and I could use help.Please call my wife Sherrill 813-783-4429 or Shawn 813-713-2614 our only child was taken under false accuations of domestic violence yet they have no proof nor made any arrests.

    2. I need helpp. Please refer my babies were taken from me for stupid allegations that my gma had said please I need your help my babies are in the system as wee speed and myself I have been in the system(but I was being beat) my kids are not in any danger with me at all.. please help me getting my babies back

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Could you please contact me at ... I need to know what you know to help win my case.

  15. We agree completely. Monique Blake took our child based on lies and the fact she hates white people. She works for DCF ON FALKENBURG in Tampa

  16. My son was taken from me in Feb 2016 under false allegations! When they wanted my husband n I to agree to the case plans, I tried to denied it but our attorney told us to agree to them. I need major help in getting my son back! Someone please call me 813-783-4429. PLEASE.....

  17. Same thing for domestic violence in my home I'll do a class law suit for sure my babies are to young to be in the system. I was in the system as well. Even though I was arrested for domestic battery this still doesn't make it right for them to take my babies. Call me and I'll do a class lawsuit for sure. 8137707655

    1. Will you sue DCF in Gainesville Florida

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. my cousins girlfirend filed false police that he hit her after he admitted to cheating, they were both arrested and charges droppd dcf has been hassling them and came today and removed the three children, we need an atty please help 727-315-3346

  21. Call Eddie Freeland out of Sarasota fl that's who I got she's good (941) 366-6486 tell her Latrese Allen referred you call me if y'all have any questions 9413159039

  22. If y'all need a great attorney with reasonable prices contact
    She's good and she's about her business
    Tell her Latrese Referred you. She's located in Sarasota fl but will travel.

  23. If y'all want help contact me and this my last time saying it 9413159039

  24. I also had this happen in pasco fl febuary 24 2014 i was arrested for domestice violence and neglect child abuse. They took connor my son because of a possibility maybe could happen physical harm... I was out on bond on 2-28_14. The thought of faileur of protecting him was unbearable and has and still affects me and my ability to cope and handle things. I can still hear his screams as they pulled him away from me and sherriff office of pasco county made me submit by force to a probability of battery on my sister who i let stay with me because she was homless. She brought a insulin device an sat it on the table bout fell over and bleeding was at the iv spot of her arm i told her to get the needle out of my room hotel and she got defencive i grabbed her cloths purse and shoes put them out side she also went out to get her thing i shut the door locked it. She also has mental diagnosis of schizophrenic,multi personality etc . the cops came and connor and i answer the door they do their thing and ask if thwy can hold him i say no then tell me im under arrest i say for what and battery thwy say and rip connor from me put me against the wall excessively and cuff me this point im crying hes crying my hands were tied went to jail they left xonnor with my sister who was not aloud to have kids alone with her condition. Day went by they had a housing hearing for him i appered by phone in the general pop they refused me to be in the court room. The petition for dependancy stated i was arrested on 2_24_13 and released 2_28_14 on bond.denied information at the time had full custody befor this mother signs them to me in 2011 2012 need assistance and legle help 507.351.4940

  25. I feel everyone of you,now the question still remains(Who,What,or How can we save our children from this currupt system once and for ALL) I m trying to get some probono lawyers that are passionate about children and justice step in and help us stop this law breaking ,injustice system WE THE PEOPLE(the funders) are paying for abuse..where is the justice in America when at anytime,in any situation DCF can walk in to ANYONE S home and state any false accusations and remove your child and 9 times out of 10 their not returning home..They come in and destroy families and traumatize children... Please contact me if your wanting justice serve,come lets stand together...we ll get further as a union,then an individual..goldentouch38

  26. I can comment, the same thing happened to me. However, I have done my homework. And when I say homework, I mean studying civil law for the last year. No lawyer wants to help you out of the goodness of their heart, nor would they. All youre cases are more than likely losers, BUT, if you make a real effort to learn the law then filing youre own lawsuit without an attorney that you cant afford or are willing to pay the kings ransom fee they would charge. File youre lawsuit pro se and in forma pauperis, and it will then be public record everything you write, and scrutinized by people that could help.

    My story starts like all the rest, and 2 years later has not ended. My daughters mother was in jail and when she was free, her visitation with our daughter was court odered at the CJC building. However she called me on my telephone and my daughter answered, The entity called devereux, in partnership with Eckerd then somehow listened to the recorded jail call and decided to say I had violayed the court order, signing an affidavit alleging the court made an order that specified "contact through the CJC" and it really stipulated "visitation" and based on this fraudulent affidavit, the slack jaw, turkey neck attorney general made an emergemcy hearing to stick my baby in foster care, only they abducted my kid kid from school prior to the judge ruling against them and scolding them that this did not constitute any "emegency" and they were forced to give me my kid back after she didnt get off the bus and I had no clue where she was and I was frantic looking for her, only to find out someone signed her out of school early. If you want a reference to plead youre own case pro se, SEE BEISEL V DANVERS, KIDD, DEVEREUX, ECKERD case # 8:17-cv-00264

    Study, read and then study and read some more. You have 2 years to bring youre case so take youre time and google.... how to state a claim under 42 USC 1983. Be assertive, and never stop fighting for youre kids!

  27. My name is Samantha Birt and my husband's name is Perry Smith I had my baby January 24th 2017 and DCF Took My Baby from the hospital on here say. I want to sue them I need help my baby still in foster care can somebody please help me telephone number is 352 301 1184 please I need help thank you

  28. Anonymous11:25 AM


  29. Willisha Wright3:21 AM

    Hello, to all. My kids been legally kidnapped from me. I have 3 kids and all was removed by a DCF lies and violation of my parental rights and my childrens right. I was was also jailed for this action.its been 4 years trying to find a lawyer. None accept it. Its like they are scared to carry the case. It my kids something that I held in my body for 8 months. Breast feed and just snatch away if they are kids slaves. My kids was token Oct 5.2013 it's now Nov 21,2017. I don't know if this will help but I've mesdage these Ppl.
    I hope they can also help me get my babys back. I'm still looking band trying. I post because while browsing the internet this site caught my attention. I'm still fighting. I love my kids and I miss them very much.

  30. Our four kids and newborn have been kidnapped over false allegations. It's been over 2 years and we are still getting the run around. This never ends, they have taken everything from us. They have lied since the beginning. Lie after lie after lie. 8133124200

  31. Once the courts TPR you the but your Children on a blog like they’re up for sale the name of the blog site is called heart Gallery of Tampa Bay This is so evil

  32. Anonymous10:20 AM

    recently I was awarded custody of my son and the judge had ordered my son to be retuned within 24 hours to me...its been 5 days and I have not heard a thing or got my son?

  33. They removed all three of my children because my autistic son has a bruise on his back and his older brother hit him but they said they were being taken for failure to protect my family is ripped apart by these people I have several recordings from where Jewish family stated they came at me back door due to a investigation in 2013 admitting that the state douse it to get there jollies off at night they abuse their power all on recording . I want to file a lawsuit asap please contact me at (727)953-5866 . Thanks
