Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Should I Do When Child Protective Services Knocks on My Door

What Should I Do When Child Protective Services Knocks on My Door

I will remember that day for the rest of my life. For me, September 11, 2001 fades in comparison because October 4, 2004 was the day Child Protective Services (CPS) of Montgomery County, New York took my daughter away from me based on anonymous and false allegations. I finally got her back, but she would never have been taken in the first place if I had known more about how CPS and Family Court operated, and if I had known my rights under the law.

1 comment:

    If you are unfortunate enough to have a member of the cps knock your door, they have no right to enter your premises, without an Emergency Protection Order.
    If your child's name is on the Child Protection, you really must work with Social Services, or face the consequences.
    Social Services will not tell you that, if an emergency protection order is granted, you are entitled to try,and get this order discharged, within 72 hours.
    To take a Child away without an order is illegal.
    Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.
