Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Home Schooling Threatened in The UK

Home Schooling Threatened in The UK

Thousands of parents in the United Kingdom prefer educating their children at home, but the government is now concerned over what they allege are examples of child abuse.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    As a teacher who left the system to home school my children, I would say that the real child abuse is experienced by children in the system itself, where children are being programmed to experience no love or affection, but rather a cold sterile environment.

    This was exactly the system used during Hitler's reign and agents of the state were programmed during training to be cold and cruel to innocent children.

    The school environemt is one of a prison, locked gates, cards swiped for food etc and some children tagged each morning so they do not escape.

    What must the children of UK and other countries think of us adults?

    Why not ask ourselves, why do children hate school system so much, and run away?

    Why do our children flourish when home schooled?

    Home schooled children are usually much better behaved, free to learn at their own pace, develop the skills they excel in.

    My son was fully qualified IT Consultant at 15 with a business of his own.

    We got no money or help from the system, saving the tax payer a fortune, and now the children live independently.

    The one problem I had was the system trying to vaccinate them, despite a report from a specialist stating under no circumstances should they be jabbed.

    But that does not stop the programmed agents of the state who behave like machines moving in to do the will of their master, knowing that what they do is wrong.

    This nonsence is about CONTROL from birth to death, and as Tony Blair said- the earlier we get in there to reprogramme the children, the better.

    Always remember- Best Interests Of the Child was Hitler's Motto first.

    Then read up what he did to the innocent children, and then we know what is being done in this moment in their best interests.
