Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Secrecy in adoption cases is there to protect the children, not the Council – by Julian Brazier MP

Secrecy in adoption cases is there to protect the children, not the Council – by Julian Brazier MP

One of the saddest stories to emerge during the past week has been that of the young brother and sister - five and four years old respectively - who are being torn away from their grandparents and handed over for adoption by a gay couple. The story was unearthed by the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph.

Note: The blog of some British MP, lying his ass off in a PR campaign promoting Secrecy in the family court.

1 comment:

  1. I have been campaigning against this kind of system abuse, for well over 20 years.
    We have experienced Cleveland, where hundreds of children were wrongly taken into Care, after false Allegations of Sexual Abuse were made, after Paediatrician Marietta Higgs stated that the Abuse had taken place, by giving conflicting Medical evidence within the Family Courts.
    Rochdale and the Orkney Islands followed and the trauma from that scenario still embers today, I still get men phoning our helpline, crying from their past heartache.
    And now we have the tragic events within Haringey, Doncaster and Birmingham, where the Local Authorities, have failed in their duties to protect vulnerable Children, resulting in the horrendous death of Baby Peter and many more Children in various parts of the country.
    Social Workers are never made accountable for their malpractice, thus enquiry after enquiry, costing millions of pounds of the taxpayer’s money.
    I hope with the opening up of the Family Courts, for Public Scrutiny from 1st April 2009, justice will prevail for some parents.
    Yes the interests of the child, is paramount, but parents have the right to defend, shoddy practice by the so called professionals, who many times in the past have given conflicting medical evidence, to obtain a Judgement to gratify Government Adoption targets, such persons as David Southall and Sir Roy Meadows are two of many.
    Corrupt Judges and Children's Panel Solicitors are also to blame, as well as Cafcass, who are failing by as much as 75percent in some counties.
    OFSTED are also being duped by The LA, by giving wrong statistics, to also gratify their status,
    Foster Carers are being used, when The New Public Law Legal Guidelines, which came out on 1st April 2008, state that Kincareship should be used before a child is placed with Foster Carers.
    Foster Carers are paid as much as £500 per child per week, another gross waste of taxpayer’s money, when some families could be kept together with adequate support.
    Alison Stevens: - Parents Against Injustice.
