Friday, February 06, 2009

I resent our son’s biofather for contesting the adoption. Now what?

I resent our son’s biofather for contesting the adoption. Now what?

When we submitted our profile to our facilitator we had requested a semi-open adoption; meaning, we were happy to meet the biological parents prebirth but that post birth the ongoing contact would be pictures and updates, no visits. We were selected by a birthmom within two months of submitting our profile. She was 17 years old, this pregnancy was her second, she was raising her then 2 year old daughter and could not take care of another child. We were told that our son’s biofather was dead. Three months after arriving home with our baby we receive a call that our adoption (which was not yet final) was being contested by a 28 year old man who claimed to be the biological father. He was a 6 time convicted felon. DNA tests confirmed that he was the biological father; the months leading up to that revelation were filled with denials by the birthmom that this man was the father. Our son is not the biofather’s only child; he has a 5 year old daughter that his mother has custody of because of his felony record. Conversations with all parties confirmed that his mother was the driving force behind the lawsuit.

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