Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Foster Parenting: Our New Journey

Another one of those silly foster parent blogs.

Check through a few of her posts.


"I'm sitting here using mind control over the phone. I'm telling it to ring with a baby for us."


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Greetings. This is the same "Anonymous" whom you called a "drama queen" and accused of being "chronically stupid," among other things, when I objected to your treatment of the blogger who writes "Mothering4Money."

    Ready for a shock? I agree with you on this post.

    Actually, check that: I think you're not being harsh enough. This goes beyond being "silly." This person is a real danger to the children and families to whose aid she fancies herself riding by becoming a foster parent. And to the degree that the child welfare agency where she lives is enabling her by acceding to her demands by limiting parental visits (which is, in all likelihood, a sign of much bigger problems in its practices), it, too, deserves some very close scrutiny and tough criticism. If the situation there is anything like the portrayal this blogger presents, it is all wrong. Appalling. Repellent. A clear indicator of a system in need of correction, if not outright reform.

    I know it would be easier for you to label me a "system suck," or a "crony" of the foster parents, but, as I have been trying to convey in my other comments on your blog, things are rarely so black and white. My point in those other comments is that there is useful debate and dialogue to be had in moving beyond such stark us-vs.-them positions and really engaging the complex problems at the root of the issue you have chosen to confront; I write today, in part, to demonstrate that it can be done.


    p.s. Note: drama queens generally don't post anonymously. I'll be interested to see what names and ad hominem invective you bestow upon me this time around.

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This blog is based on the theme that the child protective industry causes more harm than good. It provides information that supports that theory, with a bit of commentary from myself thrown in for entertainment and explanatory purposes. What one chooses to do with that information is entirely up to the person who chooses to use it. I have taken it in a direction that steps outside of the debate and simply provides information for those in the debate to use.

    There are a ton of websites and blogs that provide information from the opposite side of the fence in total support of the system. These can be just as harmful as you claim my view is.

    This blog provides an alternative view of the system. If it's one that you don't agree with, I'm sorry. That view may be skewed to one extreme, but at least it's truthful. There are those out there who take it to the other extreme and provides all kinds of information in support of their side. These people can cause just as much damage.

    Perhaps you may or may not notice that it's not always about debate. It's about providing information for the debate to support one side of the debate. If you choose to debate the issues I bring up on this blog then feel free to do so.

    I'm sure there are lots of things we would agree on. There are probably lots of things we wouldn't. What are you gonna do?
