Monday, January 05, 2009

Thoughts about Termination and visits

Every now and then, I come across and share the blog of a foster parent that pisses me off. Here's another that I've been coming across more and more the last few weeks. Today she tweaked a nerved.

She's talking about a real parents termination hearing. She obviously wants the child to keep for her own. My comment will probably be removed. Send her your love in support of the real parents. My guess is that she's possibly interfering and coaching the child. Foster parents will do that you know. It's one of those problems that doesn't get enough exposure.

Thoughts about Termination and visits


  1. Anonymous12:59 AM think it is that easy to terminate parental rights? Those parents had to have done something pretty bad. Or never really cared to follow their case plan. Why is termination such a bad thing in your eyes? Some kids should never ever go "home".

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Good news is she did post it and answered it.

    This is to the first commenter. As a member of the legal profession, who works with special cases, for nothing, "YES IT IS EASY TO TERMINATE". Everybody in the courtroom works for social services, including the judge. It is an administrative proceeding, except the termination hearing. The cards are stacked against the parent, their only hope is a real attorney, which they can not afford, or that the get someones attention like me. I have never looked at a file that did not have endless violations of the law, because of just that attitude you just expressed. The law clearly states, for your information that parental rights can be terminated if the parents have been involved with social services 15 of the previous months, so what that means, is that if you hit a rocky patch and have to seek help to feed you children, you could lose them. You my friend are ignorant.
