Thursday, January 01, 2009

Remember Betsy?

So that you don't have to, I follow several blogs written from the dark side of the child protective issue. One of which, and in all honesty one of the most entertainingly stupid is the blog of Betsy the Burned Out Babystealer. Betsy had disappeared for a couple of months due to the death of an old computer or something, but she just got a new one so she's now back in force.

I get a kick out of her blog because with her, you get the whole thing; a complete in depth look at the type of nut that they allow to do the job of Child Welfare Worker. She's been doing it for a long time and is in it for the long haul. She hates her job and wants to drive a garbage truck. Bla Bla Bla.


The first time I came across her blog and mentioned her, I and several of my readers left comments. She didn't quite know how to take it. She labeled us as her "Cyber Stalkers," and even admitted writing stuff that would bring her cyberstalkers out of hiding. She loves to bait us because in reality, we're what makes her blog interesting, and my links to her are pretty much the only reason she got any visitors at all.

Now, Betsy the Burned Out Babystealer is back and has something to say about the family rights people who find her perspective on life sickening. Here's what she has to say about us in her Betsy The Burned Out Babystealer's New Year Retrospective:

The one piece of this blog that I did not anticipate was attracting the attention of the cyberstalkers. These are individuals who have a true dislike (and I am being nice when I say that) for social workers and all things related to social work and child welfare. Personal attacks came fast and furious. Initially I read them, but then came to realize that these individuals clearly have an unhealthy axe to grind and no amount of reasoning or explanation will change them from their views/opinions of social work and the child welfare system. Several months ago, just before the dinosaur crashed, I stopped reading the comments and simply began deleting them. The fact of the matter is that these individuals have clearly been burned by the system, and I truly feel sorry for them. It is terrible that the system failed them and their children. I hope that one day these individuals will find peace and are able to let go of the bitterness that is driving their need to leave personal attacks not only against me and my family, but also against other social workers whose blogs have been found.

Now in all honesty, I've been following her blog for months and nobody has personally attacked her or her family, but yeah, some of you guys have been a little rough on this poor innocent babystealer with the criticism but that was more attacks on the child welfare industry. And yeah, I've had a little bit of fun with some of the blogs of foster parents including one who had a mental breakdown because I linked to her blog on Legally Kidnapped, but I've seen nothing that would tantamount to personal attack. Still, look at how she discards you all as "cyberstalkers who have an unhealthy axe to grind."

Personally, I think she's baiting me, so I'll take the bait. So go on over and send your love to Betsy the Burned Out Babystealer.

1 comment:

  1. I just visited her site and posted a comment I am sure she will never post. She has a feed on there that shows where people are talking about her blot...

    This is the comment I posted...I copied it so I could post it here, so maybe some of her "readers" would see it.

    "I must say that I find it concerning that you are a burned out social worker...well maybe you should find another line of work, because if you are this burned out, I am sure you are not doing the best job that you could be.

    Now, dump truck driving is a good occupation and it probably pays more than social work, furthermore, children don't die when you mess up with the dump truck. If you dump the load where it shouldn't have been, it can be cleaned up, put back in the truck and moved to the correct spot...these children and peoples lives that you touch in your burned out state are not that easily fixed.

    For the record I am not a cyberstalker, I am a victim of the DSS/CPS system and have the evidence to back it up. To verify you can visit my blogs at or

    Are you going to deny that there are corrupt DSS workers and problems with the system that need to be fixed?"
