Monday, January 19, 2009

LK's "I Have A Dream" Rant

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

You know, I was thinking. As we celebrate the life of the greatest civil rights leader in the history of the United States of America, on the eve of the inauguration of what will be our first African American President, we see that America has come a long way from the days of oppression, right?


I also have a dream!

That dream is that all of you who have been victimized by these oppressive and lying assed babystealers, self-righteously hypocritical foster/adoption contractors, money grubbing System Sucks, and piece of shit family court judges who rubber-stamp their signatures on every piece of paper the rest put in front of them will join forces under one flag and rise up against these oppressive agencies collectively known as the Child Protective Industry!

You have to fight for your rights to be parents! You have to let them know that your children are not for sale! Tell them that their false accusations, flat out lies and generic labels will no longer be tolerated! Make them know that your cute little adoptable children are not a commodity! Because this is America! And if any of that bullshit that I was force-fed while standing in front of that flag with my hand over my heart in Kindergarten is true, then America is the greatest country in the world!

That will never be true until all forms of oppression have been abolished and America gets back to the values that this country was founded upon!

That will never be true until the constitutional rights of parents are once again respected by the agencies who have worked so hard to do away with them!

That will never be true as long as the news media continues to suck up to their corporate rulers promoting babystealing/selling as a heroic endeavor and supporting the lies and propaganda of the agencies, instead of keeping our government under a system of checks and balances as the first amendment of the United States Constitution gave them the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to do!

That will never be true as long as they keep violating the civil rights of your children by destroying their families, bouncing them around from home to home, keeping them doped up on psyche med's in the group homes, and either selling them off for blood money or leaving them to rot on the streets all alone the minute they turn 18!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

So now is the time people! I've given you the voice! Use it!

1 comment:

  1. Pat,

    I couldn't have said it better myself! AMEN!

