Sunday, December 28, 2008

Child maids now being exported to US

Child maids now being exported to US

In Africa, children of the poor are commodities, often traded like cows or donkeys by adults who value their labor. This story on child maids is the third in an occasional series on the exploitation of African children. Each story stands on its own.

Note: In the USA they do the same thing, they just complicate the situations and call it child protective.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The last two children I dealt with social services and were adopted by a family member are indeed just that, maids, housekeepers, lawnboy, etc. It took a lot to even get them there, meaning in there family so that the could know their family, and have access to family members who cared about them. They do not want to reenter the welfare system and try again. The stories they have told about the experiences in the foster homes, aka adoptive homes are some of the most disgusting you or I have ever heard. All previous homes wanted them for sexual purposes except one which need to be paid to abuse them.

    From what I learned from those to children is you just call Child Protective Services, say you want to adopt, bring home a couple of kids, have sex with them, (a try out so to speak) and if it isn't what you want, beat them so they agree not to talk, let them heal up, and return them to the store for the next shoppers. As they have explained to me, being a work horse, and still being together, getting to go to school, see grandma, etc. is better then what was before. Attempting to do something about the situation would be exposing them to what was again, because I guarantee Child Protective Services would be on them like ugly on a duck.
