Sunday, November 16, 2008

How To Read A Legal Opinion

How To Read A Legal Opinion

A Guide For New Law Students.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    This is terrific. I think everyone should have this information.

    Your attorney court appointed or not is suppose to give you copies of everything that is filed. That means everything. You are wise to learn how to read a court order.

    People who are involved with CPS should also know that it is an administrative proceeding. In other words you won't find any laws in the law books for your state governing what is happening. however, CPS is required to give you the rules of those proceedings for free upon your request. If you can't get them locally, ask the state office for them, with a formal complaint about your local office.

    Once you have them, should be able to figure out that your children have been removed from your care without benefit of criminal charges. Believe me, if you had of done what they claimed you should have been charged criminally. So how come you don't have your children. I guess the point is, if you are the only one in the room playing the game with out the rules, then you are probably the only one that can lose. Not with standing that your children's lives will forever have been impacted by what is happening.

    Truly a great thing to post for parents seeking help for their babies.
