Friday, August 08, 2008

The Need for Child Protective Services Reform in the United States

The Need for Child Protective Services Reform in the United States

Child Protective Services took my child in October 2004 based on false allegations. I had to fight to get her back and finally did, but not before Child Protective Services had caused great harm to my child and my family.

While there have been attempts at child protective reform in recent years, there has not been any meaningful child protective reform in the United States, but there needs to be. One of the biggest problems with Child Protective Services (CPS) is that child protective caseworkers spend too much time investigating false allegations and therefore are unable to investigate real cases of neglect and abuse. So we have the anomaly of innocent parents rotting in prison, while children still die from abuse.

Note: Reform my ass. That will never happen as long as any of these reform efforts include system sucks, foster parents, child's rights groups, government officials fighting to pump more money into the system, etc. If you want reform, go for it. I say it's a waste of time. This system of theirs is too messed up. A kid is better off in an abusive home than in foster care. They started a war against the family, it is in their personal interests to destroy families, yet the same people who do all of this are the ones who are fighting for reform?

Wake up people!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    AMEN to that Note.....I am living it too. The agency referred to as "children protective services" is the most distructive organization I have ever run across in my life time. I have personally encoutered lie after lie and deliberate attempts to destroy my family while ignoring the needs of my is a sad reality and a fact! I pray for any family that crosses there path!!!!! I would have a better chance at single handedly stopping a Tsunami than getting a positive interaction with children services.
