Sunday, July 13, 2008

Spanking sparks fireworks

Spanking sparks fireworks

A couple says police overreacted by ticketing Melissa Farrell, 21, for spanking her toddler after she ran into the street during the Fourth of July parade.
Mom explains why she spanked her child.

Raw Video


  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    By your description, I would have thought the police completely to have overstepped their bounds, but after watching the video of the woman interacting with her toddler, I am hoping she will get some good support. The spanking itself may not have been abusive (though the mother says it was for throwing a tantrum not for running in the street) and I don't think the woman is abusive to her daughter but the way she flops the child around as a prop while telling a story isn't appropriate. Support, not separation, would help her.

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    That woman is not a good Mom and obviously has little to no patience. I have had a 2 and 3 and half year old at the same time, yes, they do act like that, you just keep them in a stroller at a parade. The way she was throwing her around dmonstarting was scary as well. I am glad that she got cited, if she acts like that in public I can just about imagine how she acts at home. She doens't even have the self control to not cuss on television.
