Monday, July 21, 2008

Man Pleads Guilty To Killing Social Worker

Man Pleads Guilty To Killing Social Worker

A Henderson newspaper reported that Christopher Luttrell pleaded guilty but mentally ill Friday to aggravated murder and other charges in the 2006 death of social service worker Boni Frederick. The Gleaner said the plea means Luttrell, 24, of Henderson, would face a maximum sentence of life imprisonment without parole, avoiding the death penalty.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Boni Frederick was not a social worker. She was a support person paid a little over minimum wage to supervise visitation.

    THE social worker in this case is really the one that caused Fredericks death. You see the social worker knew that this woman with serious mental problems, that her baby was going to be adopted out; that the mother also already knew.

    AND the social worker failed to take the appropriate steps to stop the visitation to protect not only the baby but Fredericks.

    YOU could have seen this result coming a mile away. SO the crazy mom,(most mom's involved with cps are not mentally ill just poor) felt like she had to take her baby and Fredericks was in the way.

    She and her boyfriend murdered Fredericks; but Kentucky CPS is just as guilty/culpable in this murder.
