Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Father who rebuked CPS loses right to see son

Father who rebuked CPS loses right to see son

A father whose son was killed while under CPS watch had his visitation with his surviving older son cut off after talking to the boy about a Sunday Arizona Daily Star story on his brother.

Oscar Silva Jr. was notified his regular Tuesday visit with 8-year-old Oscar III was canceled just a few hours before the scheduled get-together. He was told there will be no further visits until at least next week, when there will be a meeting with his Child Protective Services case manager.

Note: CPS Greatest Fear! That the kids in foster care find out the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    It's time to shut down CPS. Research shows children are better off even in the most at-risk families than with CPS. How do we do that? And the billions of dollars they consume does not generally go to foster parents. It's a big sham. Let's close it down now. Call a senator or something. And as a side-benefit, we and our children can all pay less tax.
