Sunday, June 15, 2008

North Carolina ordered to return Texas Child, Joshua Smith

Joshua William Smith, then seven years old, was being baby sat by Javans girl friend when Carteret County Social Services came to the house and took the child. Although the sitter was a registered nurse, Social Services claimed that the child was being neglected. In the two years since Joshua was taken, no evidence of neglect has been presented. The initial DSS caseworker who took Joshua was later found to be associated with gang related activity.


  1. North Carolina had no right to take Joshua in the first place. Joshua was safe. He was cared for by a loving father. North Carolina needs to give Joshua up to the sate of Texas DSS. Joshua has been away from Texas and his father for far too long! PLEASE EVERYONE that reads this.....get on the phone and email to your friends, family, neighbors, government officials and push to get this child home. He is not getting the care he needs in NC's care. Stand up and SHOUT to bring Joshua home!!! Ariela2644

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Yesterday another news report was done on channel 9 in NC. The reporter presented what she thought was the facts from David Atkinson. The document that is presented has multiple inconsistencies and outright lies. I was there at court proceedings in NC,Virginia, and here in Texas. Much of the information that was entered on records of NC and Virginia is false.

    Why people that are supposed to work for the good and welfare of children would continue to misstate facts and change information to make things colored, I just don't understand.

    As a person that knows this case from a front seat view, it frustrates me to no end that this kind of injustice is going on in a country that claims to be THE HOME OF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE!

    In my field of expertise, I look out for the welfare of people that I am caring for. This is supposed to be the goal of DSS. Being as advocate for children to help promote a better life for them. Unfortunately, that is not what is being done in NC DSS. Taking a child with a loving relationship away from his father and people that love him is NOT IN JOSHUA"S BEST INTEREST.

    If you gaged all parents from what it seems is NC DSS worker's viewpoint, then NO PARENTS INCLUDING THOSE THAT WORK IN DSS AND THE COURT SYSTEM ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO BE PARENTS!! According to their standards, leaving a child in the care of an experienced Registered Nurse is abandonment. Therefore, ANYTIME YOU OR ANYONE ELSE LEAVES THEIR CHILD AT A BABYSITTER, WITH A GRANDPARENT, AT SCHOOL, OR WITH ANYONE ELSE..........THE CHILD HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND YOUR CHILD CAN BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!!!

    Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers and posts.


  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    just wanted to say how much i feel for your story and i have had problems with social services in nc as well they took my kids when my daughter passed away and even though it was proven we didnt do anything to her they padded the report with other stuff and i lost my case and my children...the one advocate we had on our side inthat whole state they discredited her report saying it didnt count because she had formed a bond with the family and wasnt able to give a objective opinion....dont give up on him...i lost my kids and i hate that state and im sorry i ever moved there...and saddened daily when i think of my kids growing up there..good luck your in my thoughts and prayers
