Monday, March 03, 2008

WWASP Behavior Modification Camps

This is a French documentary (in English) about Mormon run "Behavior Modification" camps, inside and outside of the United States. CHildren ... all » there are beaten, abused sexually and psychologically, and are given virtually no usable or recognized education.


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Why bring up Joseph Smith? Why not just stick to the issue with these camps? Yes there are corrupt men even within the the LDS church. There are prophecies in the Book of Mormon that talks about the LDS church being taken over by the enemy and that the church will become corrupted. So therefore why would Joseph Smith write these things about the future of the church if he had an agenda to take over the world? I do appreciate the heads up about this place but at the same time I do know that there are people out there who's main agenda will do everything they can to try to discredit the Mormon church. But some of the remarks about the Mormons kind of gave it away for me. I don't completely buy this video. Like I said I do believe that there is corruption within the church as like pretty much all churches but the LDS churh is the only church with a founder that has written about the flaws and decietful men or wolves in sheeps clothing the church would have in the future. Did the pope ever warn about men within his own church being decietful?

    As long as we know and understand what correct principles are and know good from evil then we shall not be decieved by anything that contraticts that of good.

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Hello, I administrate the antiWWASP website and forums at - I just wanted to drop this backlink as I plan on linking to your blog! Thanks for your interest in fighting these schools!

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Particularly helpful resource on Blogger: Legally Kidnapped...

    Keep on publishing..

    Have a look at my site:
