I was raising my grandaughter. I didn't have power of attorney, but I did have a notorized letter from her mother stating for me to take over the care of her daughter in 05, when her son was born, she gave him for me to care for later due to her ill health. She had a domestic dispute with the father, and although DCF knew the kids were under my care as caretaker, DCF still came on my job and grabbed them and ran out the door. (Long story short, I was set up for them to do that).
The corruption will be exposed once I can get families somehow or some way to band together, those who truly care and their relatives so that we can start fighting back.
One Year/three months and counting Update
In Loving Memory of my grandchildren, may we never forget them. It has been well over a year, and they are still under state custody, let them come home.
Thanks to the exchange of three judges for this case, the sooner we thought it was over, we were starting all over again, for the third time.
I had unsupervised visits at that time and she advised me immediately, that she was punched in the eye because she had been crying as she wanted to come back home with me. Her smile came back and her tears disappeared, upon my picking her up that fateful day. I will never forget the abuse this child suffered for an entire month and for no reason. Nobody cared.
My grandaughter before she was abducted from my care was the happiest child you could imagine. | ![]() |
After spending $1500 in replacing all lost, with gifts from all of my co-workers and friends from all over the world, everyone was happy that the kids were brought back home to me and my husband; then, Kids Hope United went to the courts without my knowledge a month and a half later to find a way to have them removed from my care again. The day before receiving the bad news, I made a promise to my grandaughter, that I would always protect her and never let anyone come take her away from us again, what a devastation this was to my own heart, I failed her as the worker went to her daycare to take her away, I never even had a chance to say goodbye. There could be nothing more cruel than what was done by this agency and in the manner taken. This in my opinion is worse than mental abuse for the imprint this will leave in her mind forever.
I pray Governor that this not ever have to happen to another child again. A picture speaks a thousand words, they were happy with us and the department knew this. I've never seen such devotion towards taking the children away from the very people who gave them all of the best that our love could give.
Dear State Representatives:
I write this letter to thank you sincerely, for the time and efforts placed on my behalf and on behalf of the silent voices of our children, adolescents and young adults.
As you may recall, during the October task force meeting. a suggestion of a mediation program was made, which appeared to be hope for families who may be undergoing removal for minor reasons.What is the status of that program at this present time?
The fact at present is that with 3000 children under the departments custody and guardianship (M**** County alone) calls for desperate measures here in the South. As a concerned grandparent, l presented to you a video packet with hopes that some time and effort was given due to the fact that our Governor, "**** ****", acted accordingly with a display of leadership that our state has not seen in many years. The task force was set up to address issues of missing, and unaccounted children who are in the system. And of the children who were removed and are also being abused by foster parents, and those who join the system and turn out to be sexual preditors and child abusers as well. (See Broward Family found drugging foster kids with Nyquil and starvation).
I advised you with all clarity that I myself had two grandchildren presently in your system. They have been in your system for well over a year, with the father of the child demanding a trial he has yet to receive. I advised that your privately contracted program "Kids Hope United" had been advised that the mother of whom the children are working towards becoming re-unified and will hopefully become re-unified as this program sought to fiercely to adopt off the children in a move to expedite a TPR without even granting a trial.
During the wait I advised that workers in the program "in which I requested their credentials be presented and is now no longer working for Kids Hope" made assumptions to the courts" that my grandchild was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder "via domestic violence" and that she may have a bipolar disorder as the family has a history of this disorder. The claims made were made by a "case manager" who was not a licensed physician; I can present this documentation as I have the order, there is no judges signature it, nor parential advisory for treatment and it will also display that "my grandchild" had already been shuffled to over four different foster and relative placements.
The first judge on this case adamantly refuted the efforts of "Kids Hope United" that they remove the children from my care, and yet they went back to court to state that my caring for the children was detrimental to their health. They did this without my knowledge behind closed doors. This is just to show you that even today, the system is corrupted.
Senator B****, I also thank you for your investigative efforts on my behalf, and of your findings. That my allegations of wrongful removal were valid. What I am requesting now is that you now put forth efforts to begin an investigation in that these contracted agencies, feel that they are not subject to scrutiny , and are granted immunity of any wrongdoing that have detrimental mental and emotional damages to the children under their care. That these agencies and programs have been undermining the courts now for too long.
The last time I spoke to my grandaughter, I promised her that I would never let the department take her away again. The situation has deeply effected her " she is going to be five now" and claims that she is going to run away and get on a bus and come back home to us." She is only five. I would have never imagined her thinking of taking such a course of action which even further reason for my alarm with regards their emotional state of well-being. Recently in court, it was stated that something was seriously wrong with the child, she is now very depressed and the new claims are that she is "very friendly" and that she is trying to leave with visitors who come over to the foster home where she resides. My grandaughter is only five, and she is thinking about running away and leaving?
These are the types of stressors put upon families who are only trying to have the children placed into their homes while the parents undergo whatever necessary actions must be taken.
Governor ****:
I am requesting more forceful interaction with hopes that you send in a team to dissect and review these contracted agencies. There should be no reason for a case to be upheld in a court of law for such a great length of time, wasting tax dollars, and when there is much needed funding that could be used in other areas of public services such as homelessness, intervention and childcare. More spending is given to the foster parents for programs such as training, welfare dollars, and transportations. All accomodations are given to the foster parents and yet those same dollars could be going to the parents of these children who must undergo many challenges which they are facing alone. My grandaughter was ordered reunification with her mother and mother was advised that they were short handed (as stated by "Kids Hope United" and had a waiting list as there were not enough workers to comply. This has been since June of 2007.
I pray for your support Governor ****, Senators **** and **** with these requests.
I have been contacted by Mr. **** **** and had made an "electronic request" via Chapter 119; in which I have yet to receive electronically and instead the data was mailed to me via US mail without any form of appropriate documentation showing that the data belonged to his organization, nor a coversheet to say the least. The specifics requested were not totally rendered as specified. I have been very patient and we have spoken on several occasions as you will see from the email received below. I would like to discuss many issues with Mr. ****; however, I would like his full cooperation and that is what "Strengthening Families" is about, communication; dodging the issues and Ignoring the problem is what led to the implementation of the Task Force in the first place.
Let it be known that I seek not to tarnish the organization's efforts, however, it will go to show the organization's due diligence in reform and accountability. Being that they are a privately contracted agency, I would have expected a demonstration of integrity, liability, leadership and excellence when working with the children whom they have in their care and custody. Agencies that receive funding from state grants should be moreso eager to comply with such requests in order to display the true sincerity of the organizations they represent. My investment in this is in uniting the children under their care with the parents and relatives who truly love them. Although I understand that this is not the case for every family, I am one family member who has not requested funding and have the experts and volunteers ready to assist with reform. I will continue to advise all in my due efforts to seek information which I will present as facts at a later time. There is no excuse as to why any parent, grandparent or loved one be denied the information being requested as per the Law of the State of ****. Every organization or business in the State of **** should be fully aware of our laws. I write this with an understanding between Mr. **** and myself that we continue working together in order to come to some form of agreement upon his complying with my request. I hope that there shall not be any further delay.
I will continue outside of the tasks forces efforts with my own team of professionals to bring clarity and positive acheivments in the areas of reducing the number of children held in state custody, unneccesary drugging and the monitoring of, "mental health screenings" as leverage against families and their children.
Your responses are welcomed and shall be shared with my own team of experts who are willing to make this state a role model in that parents, grandparents and those effected should interact more with their state representatives in an effort to bring about positive change in the areas of compliance and but most of all, for the human rights and well-being of the children, families and relatives.

Governor, Senators, and Task Force, I am grateful for your kinds words of support as I continue in my efforts of Truly Strengthening our Famlies throughout the community and our State. Thank you for your time, and sincere efforts on my behalf and of the many families who may have their fate in the hands of the Department of Children and Families, and let us give praise and recognition to those parents who are making the such efforts to get things right in order to bring the children home.
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