Saturday, February 02, 2008

Foster Mom Calls Foster Care System a Trainwreck

Foster Mom Calls Foster Care System a Trainwreck

Lisa has asked us not to identify her. She is a foster parent in Duval County. She has cared for at least eight children in the last year. "They need a wakeup call," Lisa says of the embattled system.

She says that wake up call came in 2007 when one of her foster kids died while in her care. She says the death was preventable. The child drowned while in the bathtub. The investigation is still open with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.
Lisa's biological children have been taken away from her. She is trying to get them back. The state says the children were removed from Lisa's home for reasons other than just the drowning of the foster child.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Well well well!

    I do not mean to sound cold, cynical or appear as if I have no empathy for your situation because I do, but you are now on the other side of the fence and can truly identify with parents' whose children have been legally kidnapped. You will know our over whelming pain, tears, anguish, yearning for our children, fear that they may be killed in the foster home; frustration with and at case workers, lawyers, guardian in litem, judges, a system that as you put it, is a Train Wreck!.

    Your children were taken from you which now makes you aware that not all children placed in foster homes belongs there.

    Having being a foster parent whose children have now been removed from your home you would be an excellent parent advocate.

    You and your children are about to experience DCF at their best!

    I wish the best for you and your family.

    Be blessed!
