Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Foster Care in NH: Fund Prevention, Not More Placements

Foster Care in NH: Fund Prevention, Not More Placements

Plymouth, NH – If you help keep families out of trouble, you can keep many kids out of foster homes. A new report by the Pew Charitable Trust shows that helping families stay together is a more effective use of taxpayer dollars than money spent on foster home placements.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    If caseworker's did the job their being paid to do, there wouldn't be so many kid's in foster care. Instead of giving service's to help family's, the children are immediately ripped out of the house. Also, I have come across a Federal Law, which DCYF in Nashua does NOT abide to.One of many. It state's, Under Title IV-E "reasonable effort's",DCYF is required by Federal Law to provide the disabled mother with any service's she need's to keep the child in the home.
    Both my daughter's are disabled. Both daughter's children were taken after being falsely accused, along with missing medical record's which prove their innocence. Neither daughter was offered any service's and the children were immediately taken.
    Why do we have these law's if DCYF is above the Law and can do whatever they please and never face any consequence's for their Mis-deed's? Is there anyone in our Government who will hold them accountable for their unscrupolous action's? Even Police get in trouble, but not DCYF. They are not above the law and need to be stopped. They help no-one but themselve's. They do more harm than good.
