Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Submitted by V


I am looking for individuals in the state of North Carolina willing to sign a petition against the outrages of Child Protective Services. You can see a copy of the petition at I am more interested in getting people to sign a physical copy. If you are willing, please email me at If you will provide me your address, I will mail you a copy of the petition, signature sheet, as well as a stamped and addressed envelope. When you have signed the sheet (and hopefully shown it to your friends, too), simply place the petition and signature sheet in the envelope I provide and mail it back to me. I am trying to collect 50,000 signatures in 6 months. To do this, I need your help. We can only protect our children by organizing together against this dangerous and illegitimate agency.

Again, please contact me at to request a copy of the petition or if you have any other questions. Thank you very much in advance.

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